*ONLY €60 For Setup Days
*ONLY €60 For Drive Back Empty Days
Is it safe to travel in Madagascar?
While Madagascar is safe to visit, there are many precautions you should note. It is not safe to walk after dark and travel at night.Always follow your driver or guide instruction.
Madagascar uses the Malagasy Ariary. The currency code is MGA. ATMs are readily found across the country, We suggest all visitors to bring Euro for the payment of remain amount of their trip with Faniry.
Can I use my credit cards?
The use of credit or debit cards is mostly restricted to larger hotels and restaurants.We suggest for you to carry enough cash to last a few days and withdraw funds as needed with VISA,MASTERCARD,UNIONPAY in ATM.
Visas for Visitors
All foreign visitors to Madagascar require entry visas. Visa information can change often and varies from country to country. For Madagascar you can have Visa at arrival.Contact us for more information
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Licence Tour Operator "B" No: 014-MTTM/SG/DGT/DAIT/SAT-EDBM.19
Our contracted public liability insurance covers damages up to a value of €750 000
NIF : 6002954897
STAT: 931197 11 2018 0 01409